Ro’Esh is a shortened form of ‘Really Fresh’ which is what we can give with our product, a fresh perfume with a mix of elegance, a sign of very high quality product that can be used in different events and make you stand out from the crowd. Elegance while being fresh with our perfume, Ro’Esh.
Que pouvons-nous donner aux gens ?
Our product is a long-lasting scented perfume, different kinds depending on your taste and what suits you. Even with different scents, our perfume will still be guaranteed fresh. This perfume will make everyone around you stand up with that dress.
Comment envisageons-nous d'étendre notre activité ?
Once everything settles down and becomes a success, we will expand our business through more different kinds of perfumes, we might also start a different product other than perfumes. For now, our business is all about our perfume, Ro’Esh.